is designing sociotechnical architectures

I Witnessed a Crash Today

Suddenly the driver in front of me jumped out of the car. A woman was lying on the parking lane to the left. The man called the ambulance. Two bypassers immediately delivered first aid. I got out and put up a warning triangle. Four onlookers were standing around.

Schaulustige. The german word highlights the negative aspects of bystanders. “People with fun in watching” or, “people having pleasure in watching something”. But even though the word suggests otherwise, their ernest faces expressed deep sadness. When looking at them, I got the feeling they were full of hope for the woman, rooting for her survival.

The police arrived. They closed down the driving lane and I packed up my warning triangle.

The strangers who met that day acted in a coordinated, professional manner. Acts were done and acknowledged in calm seriousness.

I sometimes think humanity is becoming more and more boolean, falling too much on the negative side, whilst reality offers infinite shades. Should I ever come in such a situation, I sincerely hope my fellow citizens will grant me a moment of dignity like today.

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